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The Littlest Cthulhuist< The Littlest Cthulhuist
Lillian is your average seven year old who happens to be a Cthulhu's Witness. Unfortunately for her, the kids at school are teasing her and bullying her because she believe in Cthulhu. Somehow Lillian must face this situation and find a way to prevail.
Ariel Ariel
In a lonely parking garage, young, shy, diminutive Ariel is confronted by four attackers bent on having their way with her and must find a way to survive.
Cthulhu's Witnesses Cthulhu's Witnesses
This short mock documentary follows Evan, Sarah and Paul, three Cthulhu Witnesses as they try to spread the word about the Elder God. The film will is a parody of H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos as well as door-to-door religious evangelists. Throughout the film Evan , Sarah and Paul explain how, despite conjuring dark spirits and performing ritual sacrifices, they are really just normal people like you and me.

Copyright 2015, John Hidalgo. All rights reserved.